Holocaust Remembrance Day is a special day set aside for remembering the victims of the holocaust. This day is determined by the Hebrew calendar and falls on the 27th day of Nisan. In Israel, Holocaust Remembrance Day will be celebrated on the Thursday before if it falls on a Friday, and on the Monday after when it falls on a Sunday.
Holocaust Remembrance – Celebrating Holocaust Remembrance Day
There are many historical Holocaust films that are available for viewing. While many have been compiled into compelling documentaries, others are available to view any time in short clips. The United States Holocaust Museum maintains an extensive archive of historical footage from the Holocaust.
Holocaust Film – The Power of Film Collected from the Holocaust
Any brief search on the internet will yield a wealth of documentation about the Holocaust. There are many photos, videos, and other historical documents that have been gathered as proof of what took place during this period in history. There is ample proof of what went on during the Holocaust, but many viewers may wonder just where all these images came from.
Holocaust Images – Where do Holocaust Photos Come From?
Truly comprehending the horrors of the Holocaust is nearly impossible. The more time passes between the end of World War II and today, the more difficult it becomes to even find individuals who have lived through this period of history, much less actually experienced it.
Holocaust Movie – Top Choices for a Movie About the Holocaust
Neo-Nazis are those who still believe in many of the Nazi ideologies that dominated Europe in World War II. These groups have anti-Semitic and white supremacist beliefs. They often idolize Adolf Hitler and seek to follow many of the same practices as the Nazi party of Hitler's Germany. The swastika and other Nazi symbols are commonly used by Neo-Nazis.
Neo – What is Neo-Nazism