
Holocaust Memorial Day and Remembrance Events

Many events in history are marked by a certain date. The Holocaust is no different. Countries around the world recognize a variety of Holocaust Memorial days, including the United States that honors those lost in April and May of every year. Usually it is led by a week-long event that is planned by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Every city and state throughout the U.S. might have their own remembrance events and days during this week. Other countries throughout the world also remember the Holocaust with special days that have been set aside for a memorial.
The various events throughout the world usually include things like vigils, prayer ceremonies, Holocaust films and/or educational resources, and other means of educating the public and showing people why it is so important to remember this event in history. In 2005, the United Nations actually declared January 27th to be International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Many countries celebrate this date in January as a way to remember this event. Others choose to celebrate in April and May, which is during the time of Yom HaShoah to the Jewish community. The U.S. even celebrated one year on the date of Nazi Germany’s surrender.
Some countries celebrate other events that occurred throughout the Holocaust as national holidays, as well. For example, Poland honors April 19th as their remembrance day because it is the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, one of the biggest revolts by Jewish and other prisoners against the Nazis that occurred during the entire war. France recognizes July 16th as their holiday, which is the date that more than 13,000 Jews were arrested in Paris and taken to Auschwitz for extermination. It’s known as the Anniversary of the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup.
People around the world feel the need to celebrate and remember this tragic event. There are so many different events, occurrences, and ways to remember the Holocaust. Everyone has their own ceremony or plan for this day. What is most important isn’t when or how people remember the Holocaust and honor it as a great loss in history, but the fact that it IS remembered. Education can go a long way in helping people learn about this huge black mark on 20th century history and understand why it is such an important part of the world’s history today. With remembrance and memorial events, the Holocaust victims and survivors will live on in the hearts of people around the world for years to come.