  • Goering Quotes

    Hermann Goering was a Nazi leader and founder of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany. He was very famous as one of Hitler's leading men until near the end of the war when his air force troops could not deliver the power that Germany needed, at which point he was stripped of his titles and authority and sentenced to house arrest under Hitler's rule.
    Goering Quotes
  • Himmler

    Heinrich Himmler was a military member, leading member of the Nazis, and Reichsfuhrer of the Schutzstaffell, or the leader of the SS Men, during Hitler's reign in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Heinrich was born in 1900 in Munich, to a family that was conservative, middle class, and devoutly Roman-Catholic.
  • Goering

    Hermann Goering was a military leader and politician in Nazi Germany. He was also a leading member in the Nazi Party.
  • Adolph Hitler

    Adolph Hitler (also spelled 'Adolf') is known for being a dictator and an advocate for genocide. He was born in 1889 in Austria to humble beginnings, including childhood dreams of attending art school.
    Adolph Hitler